Thursday, February 22, 2007

Mr. Consistent

Here are my results over my first full week of play:

Tuesday: +1.30
Wednesday: +19.75
Thursday: +4.30
Friday: DNP
Saturday: +42.65
Sunday: +18.50
Monday: +2.00

As you can see, not huge numbers but the key is that they are all in the black. This is the first time I've won consistently since I first started playing poker 4 years ago. For the week I am up $88.50 with a win percentage of about 60% playing $5 heads up. I am not playing a ton right now, so I am a little behind schedule of my goal. The good news is that my win percetage continues to increase the more I play.

My favorite part of this new game of doing this is listening to people complain about how "lucky" I am. It cracks me up when they just let me bet, bet, and bet some more. About every game I have played has gone the same way....I bully them around until I have about 2/3 the chips on the table. Then they get frustrated and practically give me their money by moving all-in with weak hands. Happens EVERY time. It's amazing how much Super System has helped me. Everything in the book is so dead on accurate. Anyway, until next week....

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